Music: vernacular of the soul


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You wanna repeat that?

I wish some dumb fuck would do that shit to me
are you lookin to get killed today
after i done spent 9 months carrying the lil parasitic bastard

after them 28 hours in labor?

graphic pic ahead

(i kept it classic with the black and white photo for yall)

He had the damn nerve to consider naming the baby girl John McCain

he'd sure as hell be happy he was already in the hospital when i got thru with him
what the fuck was he smokin?
Obama's my imaginery baby daddy but ill be damned if some dumb fuck's gon name my baby girl after him

ladies: What would you do if you were his wife?
fellas: What would you do if your wife named your new baby boy Hillary Clinton talkin bout she wanted to show support for the Clinton campaign?

33 public opinion:

NaijaScorpio said...

If he was my husband, he would get killed. That was such a stupid thing to do.

Rashan Jamal said...

I'm totally naming my daughters Sasha and Malia after Baracks kids.

You know there is gonna be a flood of black kids named Barack...except they are gonna be spelled creatively. B-Rock, Ba'Rak, Burrahq. LOL

No need for pictures like that ever again, please!!

dessex said...

I would slap that man if I was the mother of that child....

They gonna lose anyway lol

Dave Van Buren said...

I'ma need you not show show anykind of labor pics anymore thanks.

Dude needs to sleep in another room with a locked door.

The Jaded NYer said...

only you would post that picture...

and in MY house, the rules are: I birth it, I name it... when HE can push a baby out of HIS loins, he can name it whatever he wants. In the meantime... you know the drill!

Anonymous said...

He would've had the taste slapped out of his mouth and then we would be hitting up city hall to get the proper paper work to change the name.

Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

"I don't fight, I don't argue, I'll just hit that bitch with a bottle"

LOL, no for real though, we would have some serious problems b/c you can't do that without consulting with the other parent first.

RealHustla said...

Well, since the security features at my job are preventing me from seeing what I assume is a video, I'm also going to assume someone named their baby Sarah Palin.

Apparently, mom ain't the fighting type or else the baby would have never gotten the name.

That would never happen to me. If by some strange reason it did, I'd pay the $$$ to have it changed and never discuss it again.

Anonymous said...

What everyone else said.
You know the stupid parents just wanted attention. WTH has McCain done that was admirable? No, seriously. At least Obama is frigging legendary and a keynote in history as the FIRST BLACK MALE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE!
B-Rock aint bad, Rashan! lol

Otis said...

"graphic pic ahead"

should of been bold, all caps..lights flashing around that phrase....

Desy said...

LMAO@ rashan's comment... so tru!

i would have to say no and no to both the questions... it's not even an option

1/3 said...

lmao @ that pic. glad i was eating when i say that lol

yea i would basically look at him like he was stupid and name the baby what i want. like u said i carried the baby my decision about the name lol

G-Sweet said...

omg!... he's hella shady for that... bet a black man wouldnt have pulled no shit like that wit his wife... melee would

and the pic... (ive got nothin)... *walks out*

One Man’s Opinion said...

How the hell is naming your child going to influence the vote. I'd heard about this, but not in such detail. Now, on to the photos...Yeah, by the time I read the warning I've already seen the darn picture.

Okay, my moment of shame. How come at first glance I was thinking, "what the hell is wrong with that child's penis?" LOL.

"parasitic bastard" indead. LOL

James Tubman said...

publicity stunt

disgusting publicity stunt

love the pic though

when i see my baby commin out of my baby mama

i might faint lol

Darius T. Williams said...

Um - I got stuck at that picture. I'm sooo glad God didn't make me a woman. i couldn't go thru with that...nope - no way. I'd be a nun! I'd look cute in the outfit any way - lol.

Anonymous said...

IF I was Still married to him the Very next day that Baby would have had a name change

UGHh GF I cannot try the kid having thing after that picture!, No Ma'am EEWWW and Ouch, I want my twat parts intact,and my sister's kids

FlyyGurl said...

ok this pic alone has made it pretty official that aint NO shit like that comin outta my vag! EEEEEEEEE that just made me lose the rest of the focal point of my comment...oh god!
::Runs away::

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

smoking that love boat obviously
have a great weekend

Miss Lovely said...

that poor effing child. The mom is just as stupid as the father cause i'll be damned i'm naming my child after some old geezer and half retarded beauty queen. Simple asses..

Sha Boogie said...

OMG!OMG!OMG! Why would you do that to me? Just when I considered having cooch can not expand that

Still Patrice said...


clnmike said...

Man I got some balls but not big enough to try some mess like that, I cant wait till this election is over.

Eb the Celeb said...

OK you straight need ya az whooped for the picture... ugh!

Mizrepresent said...

That's about as stupid as stupid can get...and the pic, dayum!

CapCity said...

Then I'd name our son: Coulda

I coulda still been YOUR wife FOOL! LOL!

Jackie E. said... mouth is still agape. i'm a woman and who knew that's what that really looked like.....uggghhhh. note to self, add another 5 yrs on to whatever date i planned on having a kid!!!!

Tyhitia Green said...

I would change it to something that made sense. That woman was an idiot for allowing it.

Barack is the new popular name, along with Malia and Sasha. Hey, even Michelle! LOL. :-)

Stew said...

i hate it for the kid......hopefully she will grow up and change that shit to something she likes.

what the fuck they gonna do if they lose? they are going to feel like idiots

i would not be too mad though, i would just take my ass down to the courthouse and change it to something that i want it to be

Gina said...

Some folk will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame...too bad all of their asses will be eating crow in less than a week...BOOyah!

Edirin said...

what an idiot...round here, he wouldnt have gotten away with that

Anonymous said...

I'm going to bet that's the last time ANYBODY heard from dude, lol.

Anonymous said...

My foot would be SO FAR up his butt it's not even funny. And I'd be heading straight for divorce court if they didn't convict me of murder first. What a freaking IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!