Music: vernacular of the soul


Friday, October 31, 2008

cuz im bleedin

im bleeding and bloated and tired and my back hurts and my tits hurt and im contemplating getting pregnant so i can avoid this shit for 9 more months
think it's a good idea?

my pops is being extra nice tho
thats one good thing about this menstruating shit
i complain bout cramps and i aint gotta no nuthin

he made me tea and brought food home for me

but he still aint did no damn cheerleading with me tho
he's a bastard right now

think i can get him to do that?
probly would if i told him i'd start paying rent.ha
not happening
ima play this no rent shit til the wheels fall off

ill be getting back to regularly scheduled programming soon
and actually getting around to reading ur crap
gimme a few

26 public opinion:

Casual Butterfly said...

First time coming across your blog.

You had me laughing talking about avoiding it for 9 months. Trust me you're likely to get all of what you mentioned plus the stuff they don't tell you that comes along with pregnancy. -lol-

(vixenchick) said...

Don't get oreggers babe....childbirth is way worse than cramps.

Your parents don't make you pay rent?!?! My mom makes me pay. She aint bitin bout the cash!

I love u!



(vixenchick) said...

Don't get oreggers babe....childbirth is way worse than cramps.

Your parents don't make you pay rent?!?! My mom makes me pay. She aint bitin bout the cash!

I love u!



Anonymous said...

LMAO @ getting pregnant to avoid periods. I personally think pregnancy and periods are equally miserable. Who eff decided that women had to have it so damn hard?

You're riding the no rent train too? Ha ha! Isn't it the best? I don't mind buying groceries and household shit but actually paying rent? Ain't gonna happen.

Your dad's a sweetie though.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ getting pregnant to avoid periods. I personally think pregnancy and periods are equally miserable. Who eff decided that women had to have it so damn hard?

You're riding the no rent train too? Ha ha! Isn't it the best? I don't mind buying groceries and household shit but actually paying rent? Ain't gonna happen.

Your dad's a sweetie though.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ getting pregnant to avoid periods. I personally think pregnancy and periods are equally miserable. Who eff decided that women had to have it so damn hard?

You're riding the no rent train too? Ha ha! Isn't it the best? I don't mind buying groceries and household shit but actually paying rent? Ain't gonna happen.

Your dad's a sweetie though.

RealHustla said...

ROFLMAO at avoiding anything for 9 months.

Yeah, get pregnant, and then report back.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

BOO lol (i scared u huh) admit it

will u be ther in the am?

1/3 said...

LOL girl getting pregnant will only save your 9 months then 18 years of headaches will follow lol

Aww u dad is so sweet. I'm liking the no rent thing with my folks as well. now the independence thing is a whole nother story lol

I hope you feel better and have a great weekend!!:-)

Stew said...

if you just got a hysterectomy you could avoid all of that.

just a thought

CHA CHA said...

LMAO "reading your crap"..heelarious...hope you are feeling better soon witcha crabby azz...LOL Have a nice weekend girly

CapCity said...

u r soooo dayummmm funny!

but, er ummm - ever since I cut beef & pork out of my diet - NO MORE CRAMPS! WHOO HOOOOO! that may be easier than pregnancy (unless u GOTS to have your steak & ribs;-)

seSi said...

you'd have to deal with the harsh reality on the tenth month--unless you go back to back.

No rent is a blessing but sometimes i just want to kick my mom out--of her house. I'm to cheap to move plus it keeps me out of trouble.

The Jaded NYer said...

here's something you need to know: after the excrutiatingly PAINFUL childbirth, you have your period for almost 2mos straight. And yes, sometimes WITH cramps, especially if you're nursing...

just FYI

clnmike said...

Man cramping that bad that you contemplate having kids?

Thank God I am a man.

Still Patrice said...

smh.. getting preggo is only a temporary solution

Charles said...'re a trip. Enjoy that no rent thing...

12kyle said...

Lmao!!! U r off the chain.

Fyi...I've been in the delivery room for the birth our 3 sons. Childbirth didn't hurt me at all. In was a piece of cake. Lol

Jackie E. said...

you are too funny!!! lol!!! i'm not so sure about your solution, but it sure had be crackin' up!

dessex said...

I hope you feeling better...

having a kid will probably make it worst

Anonymous said...

They have a pill to make that go away. I saw it on TV. Not sure how many side effects come along with it but at least it will make the spill go away. I don't think having a baby is a good idea. Sure you'll have nine months of no spill. However, what you will have is some crumb snatcher to look after for the next twenty years. I know legally it is 18 years of care but you know how today's youth are.

dejanae said...

so the consensus is that 'operation: get pregnant' is a no go?


Casual Butterfly said...

That would be correct! -lol-

Anonymous said...

Love that video. And the idea of not paying rent....I love even more.

dejanae said...

casual butterfly:
i got the memo

the goddess:
if only i could do this no rent thing forever

Roddykat said...

That has got to be the craziest excuse to get pregnant I've ever heard. And yet, I believe it from you. wow. :)