Music: vernacular of the soul


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What would you do?

Here are the rules: One person answers the question above them, then asks a question asking what someone would do if ______ happened? Or maybe, what would you do if you ____ a _____ ____ ____ ____?

President Bush: What would you do if you saw some zombies walk into your house?

Condeleezza Rice: I would take out my shot gun, and blast the shit outta them.
What would you do if a man stole your purse/wallet and tried to run away with it?

I'll start. What would you do if you had the abilities of Super Man, but only had 24 hours to live?

so apparently opinionated diva and akanizzle are the only ones who can follow directions
come the hell on

YOU answer the question of the person above you
You come up with your own question


42 public opinion:

AkaniZZle said...

hm im first, me likey....

erm, what would i do, what will i do.

what abilities does superman have anyway, erm, im really struggling here.

i would,. what he can fly.

i would find a way to help poor countries by getting them food, shelter blah blah with my super speed and what not

then go around the world visiting all my friends and loved ones.

yh thats about it im not a huge super man fan.

my question

if you came with instructions what would they say

LaLa simply ME said...

Superman Powers...I would help all the unfortunate people.....then get my daughter and fly to heaven :).............

Mine is What would you do if you were a MAN for one day?

and I like Akanizzle's question i think ima steal it a write a blog about that :)

LaLa simply ME said...

Superman Powers...I would help all the unfortunate people.....then get my daughter and fly to heaven :).............

Mine is What would you do if you were a MAN for one day?

and I like Akanizzle's question i think ima steal it a write a blog about that :)

Ms Sula said...

Ok, Dej I'm a bit confused about the rules here... Should we answer your question or the commenter's above question??

Jazzy said...

lmao @ the comments.

To follow the rules, I will answer the above question for you Deja.

@ Sula - you're supposed to answer the question of the last person to comment and then leave a question for the next person.

My question to the next person...Brains (smarts) or Brawn (looks) - which is more important in a mate to you?

Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

You are off tha fuckin chain babygurl ;-)

12kyle said...

i'd prolly circle the world enough times to give me a week to live. lol

Rashan Jamal said...

I sure don't want a brawny chick, diva. LOL

I already talked about this though. I'll take brains over looks any day.

But, next person...What would you do if you discovered that your significant other had a wife/husband that you didn't know about?

See I can follow directions, Deja!

Desy said...

What kind of question is that for a girl like me, who knows nothin about bein in love? *smh*...

whatever... i'd probably lose it and run to my father for a pep talk and fall to my knees for enlightenment praying for His strength to flow thru me...

Question for the next person: If you could change your cultural background... what would you change it to and why?

Edirin said...

hmm, i love my cultural background tooo much to even have ever thought of changing it, i dunno

puerto rican, just comes to mind

i love being nigerian,lol. neva tut of it, or maybe japanese becoz i like the language

noone is following the rules so no point leaving a question

Naija Sutra said... game

erm, i would not change my cultural background, it all helped make me who i am and i absolutely love me, if i dont who would...

question for the person scoping my ass at the moment: if the love of your life and one of your parent has a terminating kinda disease and you had just one remedy shot, who would you give it to and why

Edirin said...

that being said, i dont wanna break the rules

so my question would be

What are 3 things you always have on you?

Anonymous said...

my phone, my wallet, and my ring...

where would you go to spend the rest of your life if you had one and only choice?

Pan/Thanatos said...

... Island of Capri, off the coast of Sorrento, Italy. The absolutely most fuckin' majestic place there is.

Next Q:

What is your very first memory from childhood? Was it a pleasant one?

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

I couldn't say which one was first but the oldest one I can recall was being kidnapped. It wasn't necessarily pleasant since I got rescued and the dude caught a massive beatdown. By the way, that was two questions...

My question...

If you could change sex, how long would you stay that way?

Edirin said...

im back for more

if i could change sex,prolly for about a day, women come with a load of oda stuff.

next q

what is the most exciting thing you have done, would you do it again?

Anonymous said...

I've done a lot of equally exciting things, but nothing to date has given me the thrill that riding rollercoasters give me. That's pretty exciting.


What is your dream job?

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

yes i do, and to me u are a super woman, at least a super poetress

Don said...

What is your dream job?

being able to make lots of money writing, so i could travel the world, experience different cultures, and write even more and make even more money.

Question: religion aside, how do you suppose the sun was created?

Ms Sula said...

religion aside, how do you suppose the sun was created?

Great question... Hmmm... If I want to be rational (i.e boring), I will give you the Big Bang theory... But I want to be whimsical today, so I think there was a very generous and hearbroken Goddess who needed to warm up her heart after a heinous lathario god stomped all over it... So from her bosom, she wished the sun to be created... and it did. It was around Spring time...That's why we are so darn happy and warm in spring... Lol! (So it's my story and I'm sticking to it...;)

Question: What made you decide to blog?

(This is so dope by the way!)

swag_ambassador said...

I started blogging cause I noticed my cousin (prettyblack) blog, plus I used to have a live journal.. its always easier for me to type than write.. so I hada start one..

Question: A song to describe you?

Eb the Celeb said...

A song that describes me would be Beyonce Flaws and all.

What would you do if a you want into a bar and sat down and a blind man came over yelling at you to get out of his seat in a rather hostile way and since you didnt move as fast as he wanted you too he lifted you up out of the chair and pushed you out of the way to sitdown?

@dejanae... why people dont know how to follow directions... it was suppose to be a what would you do thing... they just asking random questions!

Sha Boogie said...

LMAO!! I would have f*ked it up too if you didn't do that edit.

Answering question above: I would probably LMAO, because how can I get mad at someone that can't see me?

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning on your boss' couch but @ss naked?

1/3 said...

LMAO cool post!

I would die! and wonder how the hell I ended up with his old wrinkly ass LOL

My question: What would you do if you woke up with all your hair chopped off?

Anonymous said...

I'd shave it #1 again and rock some long earrings and a tight dress

What would you do with your time if you didn't have to work at all for a living?

Skoolboi Krush said...

I'd travel the world. I'd volunteer. I'd party like nobody has ever done.

What would you do if you were giving the opportunity to inherit $1 billion but you had to sleep with Flavor Flav to get it?

kit von b. said...

i'd let flav hit it any way he wanted to for a bil. YUP.

who took ur blog virginity? (the 1st to comment on ur blog, you freak.)


Anonymous said...

i came back... funny... dejanade, you were the first to comment on my

what do you think the world would be like if we didnt have cell phones?

Roddykat said...

Then pagers would still be blowing up!

Now, let's reign this back in, shall we?

What would you do if you could switch bodies with someone for 24 hours?

Anu boy said...

if i could switch bodies with someone,
i would switch bodies with that babe that feels she is all that, super sexy and all,

then i will go in her body, to white house, eat N80 amala, then, i will climb okada on the third mainland bridge,
then i will take her body to the razzest dude, and toast him....

then i will start to freak my friends, telling them that i am me and i switched bodies, really freak them out.....

Ouestion: What would you do, if you knew a certain person was gonna die, but the person has no idea about his own death, the person is actually meant to change the world e.g MLK, would you give your own life to save the persons life???

mp1 said...

If it's a positive change that will affect my fam, I'm doing it.

What would you do if you had five minutes alone with bus?

CHA CHA said...

I think the question is five minutes alone with bush?

I would ask him how he sleeps at night with boxers or panties cus he's bytch made!

What would you do if you were offered a million dollars to sleep with your boss male/female?

guerreiranigeriana said...

damn...i would get this hard ass question...if female boss, hell no...if male boss, it would depend on how he looked, smelled and if he was in a relationship/married...

...what would you do if, while on vacation, you discovered your identity had been stolen, thus, all your credit cards and money in the bank was frozen-inaccessible?...

CapCity said...

DANG it! Why I got to get the REAL hard question: Guerre...?

Um, I'd sell some of the books I have to sell (cuz everyday i'm hustle-in';-), along with other American items I'm wearing/carrying - like back in da day. I guess I'd go to the nearest U.S. embassy to see if they can help. But, I always know I'm gonna be Alright - cuz i come from folk who've had MORE than they DAYUM identity stolen! LOL!

ok - easy question: what would u do if u needed to know where to take jewells for good pizza in EAST New York next Saturday - when all I eat in Deep Bklyn in Caribbean food?

Hope to see ALL u NYC/Bk bloggers next sat. once we figure out when & where we're gonna meet! I'm posting questions & specifics over at: CapCity's Amusing;-)

The Flyyest said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Flyyest said...

what would u do if u needed to know where to take jewells for good pizza in EAST New York next Saturday - when all I eat in Deep Bklyn in Caribbean food?

i would google it, me and jewells would be some lost bodies up in EAST New York!!!

QUESTION..... what would you do if you were invisible for one day??

Jackie E. said...

If I was invisible for one day, I would probably find out a whole lot of things that I didn't want to know. Like why is he calling so and so, or why is she talking about me like that or that's kinda inappropriate that my uncle's, sister's husband was talking in a nasty way about me to his friends....ewwwww!! SO thanks, but no thanks, I don't think I would want to be invisible.

Question: What would you do if you won a 100 million dollars with the caveat that you would only live for another 15 years? WOuld you take the money?

Pan/Thanatos said...

I'd ask if I can take just 10 million and live for another 150 years. ;)

Next Q:
What's the most number of licks it ever took you to get to the center of a Tootsie pop?

Edirin said...

dejande this aint like you, update plz

i.can't.complain. said...


im too impatient to lick.

a couple of sucks and then i bite it to get the goods out.

this is starting to sound nasty...

what would u do if u and your best friend had the most fantastic day together. when u get home u look in the mirror and u realize u had a booger (eye or nose) and your fly had been unzipped the entire day??

and your best friend didn't tell u?


One Man’s Opinion said...

what would u do if u and your best friend had the most fantastic day together. when u get home u look in the mirror and u realize u had a booger (eye or nose) and your fly had been unzipped the entire day??

and your best friend didn't tell u?

I would be very upset. What kind of friend doesn’t tell you that crap? I would probably call and ask why it was that he or she did not tell me that I had a booger and especially tell me that my fly was undone, since I don’t wear underwear. Damn it!

What would you do if you were a police officer and you were trying to affect an arrest on a prisoner and he or she turned on you, bit you on the arm and then spit in your eye?

soupasexy said...

i'd give them a good knock on the head cuff thier hands and leave he/she in the hot car for

this is too funny.

what would u do if u found out that u got 3months to live?